Monday, July 18, 2016

Filter Coffee | Filter kappi

I am back with another favorite beverage of mine. Yes, i do like tea, but i am also a fan of filter coffee.

More than the taste of coffee , i like the whole process of making decoction. It is an art that i always wanted to master and i hope i am getting the hang of it.

In my parents place, we usually drink lots of tea rather than coffee, but in my in laws place a day cannot be started without filter coffee. What an irony :) But since i love both tea and coffee, i can adjust.

When i go for vacation , i always make sure i get coffee podi as we always call. But this time i tried a new brand from indian stores here. It is also doing justice to the taste. I bought Kotha's coffee powder.

I am the only one who drinks tea and coffee here in usa, my husbands is not a that found of tea and coffee. So, i am the only one enjoying the filter coffee...

Filter Coffee | Kappi

Filter Coffee | Filter kappi

                               Preparation time: 5 mins |Cooking time: 15 mins | Serves: 2


Coffee Powder
2 Tbsp
¼ cup + 1 Tbsp
¾ cup
 As needed


1. Add the coffee powder to the perforated upper part of the filter. and press gently with hands.

 Note : If you press too hard ( tightly packed), the water will not get pass the perforations and decoction will not be collected. If the powder is loosely packed, the decoction might not be strong.

Filter coffee

2. Bring the water to boil and add it gently to the filter and close the lid.

3. After 15 - 20 mins, the decoction would have collected in the bottom part of the filter.

4. Bring milk to boil, add sugar and add the decoction depending on how strong you want   your coffee.

  Hot Hot filter kappi ready !!!  Nothing can beat a evening with hot cup of filter kappi.... 

Filter Coffee | Kappi

Enjoy !!!!

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