Thursday, April 16, 2015

Watermelon Juice

During my college days, daily me and my friend go to a nearby canteen and have this watermelon juice. It used to be really refreshing, because we need energy to travel back home which used to take us about one and half hour. This juice was our life saver. Summer comes, we are sure to have this daily. It was one of the cheapest juice available, you know right, pocket money are never sufficient to meet students needs.

Watermelon Juice

You can have watermelon as it is, instead of juice. Eating it as such is even more fun !!!!

Watermelon Juice

Watermelon Juice

Preparation time: 5 mins |Cooking time: 5 mins | Serves: 3


Water Melon
5 Cups chopped
½ Cup


 1. Remove the green part of watermelon from its red pulp and blend the red pulp to a smooth mixture using a blender or large mixie jar.

2. Strain the juice in metal strainer and add sugar. Mix them thoroughly. Add ice if needed or else just refrigerate and serve cold. 

A refreshing and healthy drink, perfect for a hot summer evening.

Watermelon Juice

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